
Clean Harvest Barramundi was created in 2004 in Perth, WA to raise the bar in sustainable aquaculture. Since the beginning, we’ve been dedicated to the raising the world’s best barramundi in the most responsible way possible. Here’s our story…

“How can we feed ourselves responsibly?”

That question sparked the Clean Harvest journey.

Thirty-odd years ago, Josh Goldman arrived at Hampshire College where he built one of the world’s first aquaponics systems in his dormitory. After graduating, he co-founded one of the first commercial aquaponic farms that helped introduce tilapia to the world. But even as the tilapia industry was thriving, he recognized the need for a healthier and more delicious fish that could change the trajectory our collective food future.

Josh was convinced that farming the right kind of fish, in the right place, and in the right way could improve global health while helping the food system to adapt to rapidly changing world. He embarked on a three year global quest in search of a better fish to farm. After trialing more than 30 species, he selected barramundi—a move cheered in author Paul Greenberg’s Four Fish, who noted that Barramundi was the first fish “chosen specifically for its small ecological footprint and its natural tendency to adapt to human culture.”

Clean Harvest Barramundi Farm

To further our mission, we recently launched Greener Grazing—a groundbreaking initiative developing the essential tools need to cultivate Asparagopsis taxiformis—the red seaweed which dramatically reduces methane emissions from beef and dairy production when supplemented at >1% of diet. We intercrop seaweed on our barramundi farms and plan to share this technology widely, to accelerate the transition to more climate smart food system.